Saturday, May 24, 2008


I met a cute 18 month old 'little man' called Sam this morning for a photo shoot. The poor guy wasnt feeling the best - he had his 18 month old shots earlier this week, and got a bit of a fever from it. He managed to play & smile for about an hour this morning before calling it quits - pretty good on just a few hours sleep last night!

Here are 2 shots from his portrait session:

Sam & his nanna.

More shots to follow - have a nice weekend!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day of Fun

Sometimes you have to forget about the washing and ironing and groceries and cleaning, and just close the front door behind you, and enjoy nature and the beauty of our country. That's what my husband said last weekend, when he took me on a 'Day of Fun'. We had a gorgeous day driving down to the Royal National Park, stopping for lunch at Bundeena and heading home via the Audley Weir.

Drives like this are just beautiful this time of year, not too hot and overflowing with tourists, but not too cold either, we could still dip our toes into the water at Garie Beach. From our home in the Hills District of Sydney, it was a hike to get there, (and a costly day with all the toll roads!), but its a drive we hadn't done before, but one we're likely to do again. Oh, and yes, my camera was always with me! Here is my darling husband at the Audley Weir (where the cockatoo's were as big as one of my dogs!)

If you're searching for something to do this weekend, get out of the house, and enjoy the colour of the changing leaves in your own 'backyard'. (Info on the Royal National Park click here.)

On the June long weekend we're escaping Sydney, and going to the Hunter Valley for 3 nights - I'm very excited about that mini-break! We're on a pretty tight schedule, but I do have a few hours free on Sunday 8th June, if anyone is in that area, and wants a portrait shoot! Shoot me thru an e-mail -

Have a great day & thanks for reading.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ali, Dan & Bubba 'G' #2

Here are some more photos of Ali, Dan & Bubba 'G'. Enjoy!

Thanks for letting me take these photos of you, Ali & Dan - I can't wait for little G's first shoot in a few weeks!

**** Bubba 'G' is coming into this world on Thursday!! *******

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ali, Dan & Bubba 'G'

In a few weeks time, Ali & Dan will become parents to a bouncing baby girl, who Ali tells me they're going to name something starting with 'G' (she has also told me, they're calling the baby something starting with 'A', 'B', 'C'... you get the picture - ah, I hate surprises!). Ali wanted me to take a few photos of 'G' practising for the 2028 Olympics - she's going to be a gymnastics gold medalist, by the way she keeps moving in there!

Here is my favourite photo from the shoot, more to follow soon.

Thanks for looking.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there - especially my mum - pictured here, with her 2 (fur)grandkids. I hope you had a beautiful day, mum! Love you!!!