Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ive been Tagged

I have been tagged by Cathy from Beautiful Moments Photography (Thanks Cathy... I think).

Cathy told me I have to post the name of 5 embarrassing songs that I secretly love. (Tagging is a silly game us photographers love to do, as this is my first tag so im playing along!)

As I am still a baby, and a LONG, LONG way off my 30's (cough, cough), I was really young in the 80's, when the daggiest songs were around, so here are some from the 90's (and possibly the 00 naughties!)

Oops I did it again - by dear old Brittany - LOVE singing along to this one when im in the car, while I shake my head and wonder why she keeps doing the things she's doing!

S Club Party by S Club 7 - now this one was only ever played in my bedroom, while I got ready for a night on the town (no-one knows about my love for this song!)

Torn by Natalie Imbruglia - not so daggy, and brings me to the time of my 21st birthday party, dancing at the Bourbon & Beefsteak at 2 in the morning with a lovely man called Simon (who turned 21 that evening). Ah, remember the days!

Blister in the Sun by Violent Femmes - remember the whole thing when you ended up crouching down in the middle of a crowded pub dancing to this song, and then you'd jump back up when the music said to... 'big hands you know you're the one'. Brings back memories of the good old General Bourke Hotel when I was about 20.

Dancing Queen by ABBA - do I need a reason to have this one on the list? Can't wait for the movie to open!

Ok, here's who im tagging: Luke Walker (no relation), Alisha Clark, Photography By Christoper, Minna Burgess, Wiki from fotoExpression, Karey Michelle, Tim & Heidi Uhl from Retrospect Studios

Here are the rules!

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Happy Tagging!

Ive been crook with the killer flu that's been going around Sydney this past weekend, and I haven't felt like looking at my camera, or computer, hence the lack of blogging. I have heaps of photos from our weekend in the Hunter Valley, and lots more shoots coming up! Stay tuned!


1 comment:

Ruby Rideout said...

Lauren, I came across your blog thru Christopher's.

Your profile description is funny (come to think of it, I'll shoot anything that doesn't move either) haha.

Your blog is too cute for words. I love Brittany's song too! ;)